Ushbu mahsulot mavjud emas!

Моноблок Acer Aspire C22-865 / CPU Intel® Core™ i5-8250U / RAM DDR4 4GB SDRAM / HDD 1TB 5400 RPM / VGA Intel UHD Graphics 620 /Keyboard and Mouse / Wi-Fi / Bluetooth / 23.8"

Моноблок Acer Aspire C22-865 / CPU Intel® Core™ i5-8250U / RAM DDR4 4GB SDRAM / HDD 1TB 5400 RPM / VGA Intel UHD Graphics 620 /Keyboard and Mouse / Wi-Fi / Bluetooth / 23.8"#1
Моноблок Acer Aspire C22-865 / CPU Intel® Core™ i5-8250U / RAM DDR4 4GB SDRAM / HDD 1TB 5400 RPM / VGA Intel UHD Graphics 620 /Keyboard and Mouse / Wi-Fi / Bluetooth / 23.8"
Ma'lumotlar yangilandi: 23.04.2021


Моноблок Acer Aspire C22-865 / CPU Intel® Core™ i5-8250U / RAM DDR4 4GB SDRAM / HDD 1TB 5400 RPM / VGA Intel UHD Graphics 620 /Keyboard and Mouse / Wi-Fi / Bluetooth / 23.8"
To'liq ko'rsatish


Mahsulotning texnik tavsiflari, etkazib berish hajmi, ishlab chiqarilgan mamlakati, tashqi ko'rinishi va rangi haqidagi ma'lumotlar faqat ma'lumot uchun mo'ljallangan va nashr etilgan paytda mavjud bo'lgan eng so'nggi ma'lumotlarga asoslanadi.


Boshqa foydalanuvchilarga o'z tanloviga yordam bering - ushbu mahsulot haqida birinchi bo'lib o'z fikringizni bildiring.