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Shikoyat qilish
Tafsiya qilamiz
LandStar 7 Android APP с облачным сервисом CHC является модульным, предназначенным для высокоточной съемки, инжиниринга, картографии, сбора данных ГИС, супер-упакованной дорожной разметки и опроса трубопроводов с высокой точностью. Сделайте свою работу более эффективной с помощью LandStar 7 APP от полевого до конца! Surveying and Mapping with Enhanced Graphical Tools
Supports both online OSM/BING map, and several base map formats (DXF, SHP, TIF, SIT, KML, KMZ and WMS) while surveying. Powerful edit tools allow users to edit measured and snapped features for creation and deletion of polylines, polygons and circles. Other main features allow for polyline interruption and polygon redrawing.
Customizable GIS Attributes
During data collection, users can customize attribute fields with media capture (pictures, videos and voice). Multi-code function allows users to survey polylines and polygons simultaneously while sharing the same points to meet your project requirements.
Super Packed Road Function
Features include horizontal and vertical alignments, cross-sections with slopes and user defined structures are allowed for efficient surveying and stakeout. Enhanced data verification allow users to eliminate costly errors. Users can both manually input or import designed road elements from LandXML files, select polyline from DXF file as road center line and stake out the station or survey the cross-section.
Easy Pipeline Survey
Makes it simple to survey underground pipelines using integrated data from both the GNSS receiver and the pipeline detector. Users can store high precision and high quality pipeline coordinates with attributes for exporting into SHP/CSV files.
CHC Cloud Service
Allows for uploading and downloading projects, coordinate systems, work modes and codelists.
To'liq ko'rsatishSupports both online OSM/BING map, and several base map formats (DXF, SHP, TIF, SIT, KML, KMZ and WMS) while surveying. Powerful edit tools allow users to edit measured and snapped features for creation and deletion of polylines, polygons and circles. Other main features allow for polyline interruption and polygon redrawing.
Customizable GIS Attributes
During data collection, users can customize attribute fields with media capture (pictures, videos and voice). Multi-code function allows users to survey polylines and polygons simultaneously while sharing the same points to meet your project requirements.
Super Packed Road Function
Features include horizontal and vertical alignments, cross-sections with slopes and user defined structures are allowed for efficient surveying and stakeout. Enhanced data verification allow users to eliminate costly errors. Users can both manually input or import designed road elements from LandXML files, select polyline from DXF file as road center line and stake out the station or survey the cross-section.
Easy Pipeline Survey
Makes it simple to survey underground pipelines using integrated data from both the GNSS receiver and the pipeline detector. Users can store high precision and high quality pipeline coordinates with attributes for exporting into SHP/CSV files.
CHC Cloud Service
Allows for uploading and downloading projects, coordinate systems, work modes and codelists.
- Bo'lim
Mahsulotning texnik tavsiflari, etkazib berish hajmi, ishlab chiqarilgan mamlakati, tashqi ko'rinishi va rangi haqidagi ma'lumotlar faqat ma'lumot uchun mo'ljallangan va nashr etilgan paytda mavjud bo'lgan eng so'nggi ma'lumotlarga asoslanadi.
Birga harid qilishadi
Boshqa foydalanuvchilarga o'z tanloviga yordam bering - ushbu mahsulot haqida birinchi bo'lib o'z fikringizni bildiring.
Baxo yo'q
Fikr-mulohaza qoldirish