Ushbu mahsulot mavjud emas!
Системы растворения Semi-automated

Tafsiya qilamiz
Semi-automated dissolution system with connected UV-Vis measurement and sample collection, controlled by Disso.NET
The ERWEKA dissolution UV-Vis On-/Offline system is the ideal system configuration for spectrophotometers. With the connected PC, the On-/Offline system can be conveniently controlled via our advanced Disso.NET software. Moreover, the software offers full control over all components.
After analysis has been completed, the samples are comfortably stored by our very own sample collector FRL 6/7/854.
The ERWEKA Disso.NET software is the perfect 21 CFR Part 11 compliant companion to our dissolution systems. The software provides support for all test methods manageable with the ERWEKA DT dissolution testers as well as the automated RoboDis II.
Disso.NET helps you with standard dissolution jobs, handles qualifying tasks and offers control over each single function of the connected devices (e. g. dissolution tester, UV-Vis spectrophotometer or HPLC analysis unit). Our audit trail generates detailed protocols of all events and times. The software additionally includes an easy-to-use editor for comfortable programming of the dissolution methods (for highest repeatability). After finishing the dissolution test, Disso.NET generates comprehensive reports (as PDF-files) with your corporate logo and/or exports the results (e. g. in XML format).
Dissolution tester DT 720 Series
Heart of the Dissolution On/Offline System
The Dissolution Tester of the 720 series is core to our UV-Vis On-/Offline system. It is 100 % conform to the USP methods 1, 2, 5 and 6, thus allowing a versatile range of dissolution testing to be done by our system. Additionally, it offers the flexible high-head and low-head modes.
Automated sampling station ASS-8
Precise sampling according to the USP sampling points.
The automated sampling station ASS-8 is an add-on module to the DT 82x, responsible for taking samples according to the USP sampling points directly from the vessel itself. With the help of the connected pump, these media are then pumped over to the FRL 6/7/854 sample collector.
Peristaltic pump IPC 8
Efficient and versatile pump for ERWEKA dissolution systems.
The peristaltic pump IPC 8 offers an accuracy of +/- 0.5 ml and is the basic pump provided with ERWEKA dissolution systems.
Versatile UV-Vis analysis devices available
Always the right one available for your needs.
We offer several UV-Vis analysis devices for our online systems, all fully supported by Disso.NET.
- Thermo Fisher Evolution 350
- Analytic Jena Specord 210 for High Volume Testing with 12 to 14 test stations
Sample collector FRL 854 Series
Efficient sample collection for later analysis.
The sample collector FRL 6/7/854 offers a space-saving footprint and can store up to 26 samples per vessel. Its advanced design allows simple cleaning below the easily removable vessel rack.
Controlled by Disso.NET
Advanced dissolution software for PC.
Disso.NET takes over full control of our online systems. The software offers an advanced user management, broad features and comprehensive data export functions.
DT UV-Vis On-/Offline system variants
Easily adjustable to your needs.
- 14 vessels online system with DT 1412 series and IPC 16
- ERWEKA PVP 620 or 820 pump for filtration from 0.22 μm available
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- Bo'lim
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Birga harid qilishadi

Baxo yo'q
Fikr-mulohaza qoldirish