Sevimliga qo'shish
Shikoyat qilish
Ushbu sotuvchidan boshqa mahsulotlar
Hand wheel on motor design. When power fails. rotate the hand wheel to raise or lower the pole.
Three buttons to control the boom pole to rise. fall. or stop.
Contactless monitoring with more accurate control and more stable running.
Multiple interfaces. connectable to IR cable (low level signal input). induction. and toll connection system.
Simple wiring. No need to arrange or distribute cables.
Wireless remote control via 430.5 MHz remote controller.
Strong environment adaptability. It can be used safely in -30 °C environment.
To'liq ko'rsatishThree buttons to control the boom pole to rise. fall. or stop.
Contactless monitoring with more accurate control and more stable running.
Multiple interfaces. connectable to IR cable (low level signal input). induction. and toll connection system.
Simple wiring. No need to arrange or distribute cables.
Wireless remote control via 430.5 MHz remote controller.
Strong environment adaptability. It can be used safely in -30 °C environment.
- Bo'lim
Mahsulotning texnik tavsiflari, etkazib berish hajmi, ishlab chiqarilgan mamlakati, tashqi ko'rinishi va rangi haqidagi ma'lumotlar faqat ma'lumot uchun mo'ljallangan va nashr etilgan paytda mavjud bo'lgan eng so'nggi ma'lumotlarga asoslanadi.
Tafsiya qilamiz
Birga harid qilishadi
Boshqa foydalanuvchilarga o'z tanloviga yordam bering - ushbu mahsulot haqida birinchi bo'lib o'z fikringizni bildiring.
Baxo yo'q
Fikr-mulohaza qoldirish