Выпрямитель для волос M.A.C Styler 450 F MC-5518
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- Bo'lim
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Product details of M.A.C Styler Hair Straightener 450 F (MC-5518)
LCD digital control & temperature change display &Vitamin Conditioning plates technology,
Flap hard box packaging, New product, Comes with four shelves, and a comb. automatic definition of temperature according to your type of hair and his general condition time smoothing,
ceramic heating elements: for heat distribution homogeneous and constant throughout the session for a perfect result,
Ultra shine Nanoceramic plates for more hair shiny and protected.
To'liq ko'rsatishLCD digital control & temperature change display &Vitamin Conditioning plates technology,
Flap hard box packaging, New product, Comes with four shelves, and a comb. automatic definition of temperature according to your type of hair and his general condition time smoothing,
ceramic heating elements: for heat distribution homogeneous and constant throughout the session for a perfect result,
Ultra shine Nanoceramic plates for more hair shiny and protected.
- Bo'lim
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